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Whitewright Public Library
Summer Reading Wraps at the Library

Summer Reading Wraps at the Library

This year’s Whitewright Public Library Summer Reading Program had a total of 429 participants for our weekly programs: Blackland Prairie Raptor Center, Touch-A-Truck, Splash Together, and Science Heroes: Saving Earth Together.

This year we featured “brag tags” where participants could earn a bead each time they visited the library, with special beads for attending programs. We also had a 100 book challenge, with participants reading 100 picture books (or 100 chapters) to earn a special bead and a prize from our treasure chest.

We couldn’t provide our programs without community support. We’d like to extend a special thanks to local businesses who participated in this year’s scavenger hunt: The Loft, Whitewright Area Chamber of Commerce, Triple R Barbeque, Gateway/Sonic, Legend Bank, Whitewright Pharmacy, Dairy Queen, Bronze Fitness, Domino’s, O'Reilly Auto Parts, and City Hall. We had 30 completed lists returned for a prize from our treasure chest.

We’d like to thank the City’s Public Works, EMS, Police Department, and Fire Department for participating in our Touch-A-Truck program, as well as the Air Evac Lifeteam crew for their special attendance.

Thanks to Laura Freer, Ashley Mickelson, Trinity Huffman, Zander Huffman, Jane Ellington, Linda Vickers, Brent Hubert, for assisting with in-person programs.

Special thanks to our sponsors: Whitewright Community Development Corporation (4B), Legend Bank, and The Odeum. We couldn’t have done this without our performers from Blackland Prairie Raptor Center and Talewise.

Join us again next summer, with the theme “Adventure Begins at Your Library”.